
Carers Support Services: Commissioning Plan, Consultation and Carers Strategy Engagement

Bristol City Council is consulting on the future of the Carer Support Services (for adults) and seeking views on a new Carers Strategy. The accepted definition of a carer is anyone who provides unpaid care for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health issue or an addiction cannot cope without their support.

The survey is in two parts:

  • Part one contains the formal consultation questions relating to the draft Commissioning Plan, which details how we buy services
  • Part two is an engagement exercise and not part of the formal consultation. This asks questions relating to the broader Carers Strategy and what you would like to see included.

You are welcome to respond to either the consultation only, the engagement survey only or to both the consultation and engagement sections.

Carer Support Services provide support for carers. This includes advice and information services, help for carers to self-identify through awareness events, emotional and practical support, and help to inform carers of their right to receive an assessment and support to access that assessment.


Consultation closes on the 19th January 2020.