
SEND improvement planning event – 25/02/2020

Following Bristol’s SEND inspection, BCC and NHS BNSSG are developing their Written Statement of Action SEND Improvement Plan.

Your feedback is essential.

Please drop-in to one of the upcoming events to share your views and give us your feedback.  These events are advertised on Bristol’s Local Offer by clicking here.

They are also holding a SEND Improvement Planning Event on 25th February.  This is your final opportunity to contribute to the SEND Improvement Plan, before they give it to OFSTED.  It is not your last chance to tell them what you think about SEND – they will continue to hold regular drop-in events throughout the year where you can give them your feedback about SEND.  For more information please email:

Time: 10.30AM – 12.00PM
Tuesday 25th February 2020
Lower Ground Floor, St Georges Road, Bristol BS1 5BE