On 11th May 2020, the Government published information for parents and carers to help prepare for the wider opening of nurseries, schools and colleges from 1st June 2020.
The latest information contains: –
- An explanation about why can more children now attend school and childcare settings
- What the latest scientific evidence says
- Which children can return to school
- Managing risks
- Will it be compulsory to send your child to school
- What to do if your child has an underlying health condition or lives with someone in a clinically vulnerable group
- Testing children for the virus
- What happens if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus in your child’s school, college or childcare setting
- Travel to and from childcare, school or college
- School meals
- Childcare, schools and colleges’ opening hours
The new information describes provision for vulnerable children and says that educational settings should continue to offer places to priority groups. For children who have a social worker, attendance is expected unless their social worker decides that they are at less risk at home or in their placement. For children who have an education health and care (EHC) plan, attendance is expected where it is determined, following a risk assessment, that their needs can be as safely or more safely met in the educational environment. For children who are deemed otherwise vulnerable, at the school, college or local authority discretion, attendance is expected where this is appropriate.
You can read the Government guidance for parents and carers HERE.
For more COVID-19 information please CLICK HERE.