
Refuge launch new short film about domestic abuse

Refuge has launched a new short film, to draw attention to the huge numbers of women reaching out to its services during lockdown, and to remind women living with domestic abuse that Refuge’s life-saving specialist support services are here for them.

Surfaces sends a clear message of hope to survivors. Whether they have already fled their perpetrator, or are still living in constant fear, it tells them that there is a life after abuse, and that support is available – and that they are not alone. Refuges are still open and the National Domestic Abuse Helpline is still running twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The film ends with details of how to get in touch with Refuge and access its Helpline.
You can view the film on Refuge’s website HERE.

Refuge is calling on anyone worried about a loved one, or about isolating with a perpetrator, to call its National Domestic Abuse Helpline on: 0808 2000 247 or contact the Helpline via Refuge’s contact form at

In an emergency, always be ready to call 999.

The film is available to view on Refuge’s website: and on its YouTube channel: @RefugeCharity.