The Department for Education (DfE) is consulting on a revised version of the statutory School Admissions Code.
The DfE is seeking views on a revised version of the statutory School Admissions Code. The Code was last updated in 2014. The revised Code seeks to clarify and improve the process in which children are admitted to school outside of the normal admissions round in light of a number of Government reviews. Additionally, the revised Code will also provide additional information and details that will support admission authorities in discharging their duties effectively.
The DfE understands that not only are there significant challenges in supporting the country’s children to ensure they can access education, but the current COVID-19 outbreak has affected everyone’s lives in different ways. In particular, the DfE is concerned that some of our most vulnerable children may experience gaps in their education because they are unable to secure a school place quickly during this unsettled period. They think that now, more than ever, they need to continue with their plans to make changes to the School Admissions Code to support our most vulnerable and disadvantaged children.
This consultation is for anyone with a role or interest in school admissions, including: –
- Local authorities
- Schools, including academies and free schools
- Governing bodies and academy trusts
- Parents/carers
- Other interested parties
You can find out more and participate in the survey HERE.