You are invited to attend a Personalisation webinar via Microsoft Teams on the 11th or 17th November (the same webinar will be repeated on both days).
Who can attend
People interested in more personalised services across the South West for children and young people who use SEND services and also adults who use Learning Disability or Autism services. The event is for people with lived experience, parents and carers, frontline professionals, commissioners, managers and senior leaders from health, education and social care.
What will the event cover
- The event aims to provide inspirational examples where personal health, education and social care budgets have been used to support people to live a full life that makes sense to the person.
- To look at how the South West can be supported to be a leader in facilitating the use of personal budgets.
- To identify what support is needed across health, education or social care to make this happen.
Why you should attend
Personalisation and personalised care are a fundamental part of the offer to children, young people, adults and their families. Now more than ever there is an opportunity to refocus work, not just as a response to the SEND reforms or the NHS Long Term Plan, but also as a positive, proactive solution to some of the barriers people have faced during COVID.
To register, please click on one of the following links: –
Registration link for the 11th November: here
Registration link for the 17th November: here
Once you have registered, you will receive a diary invite with details on how to join via Microsoft Teams.
Learning Disability and Autism Programme – South West