Bristol City Council has made some changes to their Education, Health and Care plan forms. Check them out using the links below.
The forms are helpful to provide the council with a consistent approach. But you don’t have to use them if something else works better for you as a family.
The information the SEND team ask for includes:
A needs assessment request form – This is quite short and fairly easy to complete. The school can complete this or parents and carers can do it themselves. If you need any help ask your school, or the FLORA team to help (0117 352 6020) or get in touch with us or SEND and You – SAY.
A family views form – if you’ve completed the needs assessment request form as a parent or carer there is some duplication on this form. You don’t have to include this form if you feel like you’ve already covered the information elsewhere or you could write “see request form”. As with the request form, there are services that can help you fill in the views form too.
A Support Plan – schools are legally required to implement a graduated approach to SEND support. They must take action to remove barriers to a child or young persons learning and put effective special educational provisions in place.
Some schools may use a Support Plan as part of their graduated approach and where they do, it can help evidence that an EHC plan might be needed. If your child has a support plan, include it in the EHCNA request.
If your child does not have a support plan, you can still request a needs assessment. You may have other evidence that the child you care for “may” need provision to be made via an EHCP. Whatever evidence you have, you can include that in your request instead of a support plan.
SEND and You – SAY have great resources on this which you can read by clicking the link: CLICK HERE