
Multi Agency Admission Avoidance Framework Survey

In 2019 the NHS Long Term Plan, building on work since 2015, set out a commitment on improving care and avoiding unnecessary admissions to inpatient settings for children and young people with a learning disability and autistic children and young people.

Avoiding unnecessary admissions requires effective multi-agency working across the system of professionals that work with children, young people and their families. The national guidance is clear about the importance of this but does not set out how this should be done, or recognising the variation in local structures and approaches.

To improve understanding of how local areas are working together, the Council for Disabled Children has been commissioned by NHS England to identify good practice to inform resources and e-learning based on the findings and to raise awareness and confidence in local authority and education partners.

This survey is designed to understand the range and extent of multi-agency approaches to admission avoidance, with evidence of impact where available. Please try to answer the questions in as much detail as possible. The survey will be open until the 11th of March, so please do fill it in before then.

If you have any questions about this survey or the resource in general, please email Miry (

CLICK HERE to take part in the survey.