Come along to our free event, SEND Together | Family and Practioner Support. A whole day dedicated to offering solutions and connections for those navigating the world of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Bristol.
With an extensive lineup of 30 informative sessions covering all areas of SEND, this event is an opportunity to share knowledge and a platform to broaden understanding and ensure all families and practitioners are aware of the diverse range of support available within our local community.
Embark on a journey of discovery and collaboration at SEND Together, where every session is designed to empower, educate, and foster a sense of community. Please see our FAQ here: in English
🇸🇴 Caawinaad, taageero ama su’aalo ku saabsan dhacdadan, fadlan wac 07306 650222 ama iimayl u dir waxaanu kaga jawaabi doonaa 2 maalmood oo shaqo gudahood. Waxaad sidoo kale akhrin kartaa hagaha. Guji.
🇵🇱 Aby uzyskać pomoc, wsparcie lub pytania dotyczące tego wydarzenia, zadzwoń pod numer 07306 650222 lub wyślij e-mail na adres, a my odpowiemy w ciągu 2 dni roboczych. Możesz także przeczytać poradnik. Kliknij.