
Oftsed Update

In preparation for the return visit by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission, we are gathering the views of parents and carers on the progress that has been made in the last two years across education, health and social care with regards to SEND services.

During the last visit in Autumn 2019, five areas of weakness were identified. We have a created a survey for each area.

To the survey please fill in the information below. They will be open for 4 weeks. Please make your voice heard.

In preparation for the return visit by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission, we are gathering the views of parents and carers on the progress that has been made in the last two years across education, health and social care with regards to SEND services.

During the last visit in Autumn 2019, five areas of weakness were identified. We have a created a survey for each area.

To the survey please fill in the information below. They will be open for 4 weeks. Please make your voice heard.