
Bristol Parent Carers Annual Event 2021

The next Bristol Parent Carers online annual event will focus on understanding the Local Offer on Thursday 11th March, 10AM – 2.30PM.

We all know that COVID-19 has had a big impact on events. Because of government regulations, organisers have had to cancel planned events across the country and BPC’s Annual Event was no exception.

So, instead of putting on a programme to enable us all to meet under one roof, BPC has been working hard to pull together a virtual event for parent carers and those who support them, instead.

We have never organised a virtual event before, so this will be a new experience for us, and as such, it will be different to BPC events you may have attended in the past.

On March 11th, thanks to the generous support of many partners, we will be hosting a series of workshops designed to explain and promote some elements of Bristol’s Local Offer.

The schedule for the day is as follows:

10.00AM to 10.15AM: Welcome
10.15AM to 10.30AM:
SEN Support & EHCPs
10.35AM to 10.50AM:
Early Support
10.55AM to 11.10AM:
Transitions Team & Preparation to Adulthood
11.15AM to 11.30AM:
Social Care
11.35AM to 11.50AM:
The Autism Hub
11.55AM to 12.10PM:
Mental Health – with a particular focus on early intervention and support

In structuring the content of their workshops, we have asked providers to include information about:

Who – Eligibility for the service, including ages of children/young people
What – A description of what the service does/is able to offer
How – How to contact or access the service i.e. self-referral or referral by practitioner

Other useful information:

As we are anticipating lots of people attending, there won’t be an opportunity to ask questions in the workshops but there will be a limited number of 10-minute slots in the afternoon to have time with a representative linked to one of the workshop themes, for parent carers who may want to understand a little more about how something described in a workshop, may be relevant to their personal situation.

Video on demand:

If you cannot make it on the day the workshops will be recorded so you can watch at another time that is convenient to you. Check back later in the week for the video on demand archive.