
Does your child have an EHCP?

đź“Łđź“Ł If you have a child in nursery, year 2 or year 6 with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), you must arrange a meeting with their setting to plan their transition to their next school year.

This meeting is known as a “phase transfer” and must be carried with the school by 23rd November at the latest. If your child is in year 11, the meeting must be held by January 8th at the latest. If a change of school is needed, you will need to name a school at this meeting. See our info table and collection of helpful links below for more info

Read our guide and helpful links below:

Step 1: Check the advice & set a date

Before the phase transfer review, review your child’s EHCP. If the information within it is outdated or if the reports in section K are over 2 years old, contact your inclusion officer (IO) and ask them to arrange for updated advice to be given.

At the same time, contact the setting and agree on a review date with the setting SENDCo. If your child is in nursery, year 2 or year 6, this meeting must be held by by 23rd November at the latest.

If your child is in year 11, the meeting must be held by January 8th at the latest. If you do not know who your inclusion officer is ask you SENDCo or email:

Step 2: Receive the documents

You must receive any new advice from professionals along with a report from the education setting & anyone already involved in delivering the support within the Plan, (eg. a 1:1) at least two weeks before the meeting takes place

Step 3: Attend the meeting

A date should have already been established for you to attend the review meeting, which is normally carried out by the setting SENDCo & IO. It is helpful if you take notes to talk about any changes or things that are going well.

Step 4: Paperwork

2 weeks after the meeting, the SENDCo must send the paperwork to the inclusion officer. 4 weeks after the meeting the inclusion officer must tell you if there will be any changes and send you a copy of any proposed changes.

If there are any changes to the Plan, you have 15 days to give feedback on any changes & to request a different setting within Section I.

Step 5: A final plan

Sometimes, no changes are made to a plan in which case the final Plan should be issued 4 weeks after the meeting. But where changes are made, the new final EHCP must be issued ASAP but no later than 12 weeks after the meeting


