Welcome to our platform dedicated to feedback, consultation, and engagement sessions, an invaluable space where your voice, as a parent carer, takes centre stage.
We believe in the power of your insights and experiences, recognising the significance of your unique perspective in shaping the support systems and services that matter most to you and your family.
Your feedback is not just welcomed; it is the cornerstone of positive change. If you don’t share what’s going well or what needs improvement, the services may stay the same and not get better to meet our community’s changing needs. Your feedback is the spark for positive change, making sure local services really understand and address the experiences and challenges that parent carers like you go through. So, let’s talk and we can shape the future together.
Click on the images below to provide feedback on each topic, if you see a little clock, it means there is a deadline to give feedback on this topic.

To attend an online consultation events for parents and carers to discuss how funding is used to access time apart form your disabled child, Bristol City council are hosting two online sessions.
Wednesday 6th December 7-8pm
Tuesday 12th December 13.30-14.30pm.
To book onto one of these events: email jcu@bristol.gov.uk and info@bristolparentcarers.org.uk and put ‘Short Breaks’ in the title, please let them know which session you would like to attend.